Here you can find all documents related to Surgi-Tec and Surgi-Tec products:
All current and older versions of the instructions for use, publications, patient information flyers, quality related documents and our catalogue.

Transpalatal distractors (TPD)
- Evoluties bevindingen met de nieuwe distractor tpd neo surgi-tec
- Immediate postexpansion changes following the use of the transpalatal distractor
- Modified surgical technique of transpalatal distraction
- Posterior transpalatal distraction with pterygoid disjunction: A short-term model study
- Problems, obstacles and complications with transpalatal distraction in non-congenital deformities
- Transpalatal distraction as a method of maxillary expansion
- Transpalatal distraction: State of the art for the individual management of transverse maxillary deficiency

Orthodontic Bone Anchors (OBA)
- A 2-year outcome audit of a versatile orthodontic bone anchor
- Comparison of two protocols for maxillary protraction: bone anchors versus face mask with rapid maxillary expansion
- Dentofacial effects of bone-anchored maxillary protraction: A controlled study of consecutively treated Class III patients
- Long Term Prospective Study of an Orthodontic Bone Anchor
- Modified Miniplates for Temporary Skeletal Anchorage in Orthodontics: Placement and Removal Surgeries
- Morphometric analysis of treatment effects of bone-anchored maxillary protraction in growing Class III patients
- Orthopedic Traction of the Maxilla With Miniplates: A New Perspective for Treatment of Midface Deficiency
- Three-dimensional analysis of maxillary protraction with intermaxillary elastics to miniplates
- Three-dimensional assessment of maxillary changes associated with bone anchored maxillary protraction

Osteosynthesis Slotplates (OSP)

Transmandibular Distractors (TMD)
- Anterior transmandibular osteodistraction: clinical and model observations
- Bimaxillaire transversale distractieosteogenese
- Bone anchored intraoral device for transmandibular distraction
- Morbidity related to transmandibular distraction osteogenesis for patients with developmental deformities
- The concept of bimaxillary transverse osteodistraction: a paradigm shift?